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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Strong Password

       The strength of your password is important.  Nowadays everything done over the internetrequires a password. Most people choose to  keep the same password for everything that way they will remember it but, in reality this is bad you should change your password for different things. if you have the same password you are making it easy for someone to hack your emails, facebook, and anything you use a password for. the importance of picking a strong password is so that this password will verify that it is you that is logging in and it will keep your access secure.  If someone else has your password they can destroy your files and use your computer for illegal activities.

        To make sure you have a secure password make sure it is not short. the longer the password the harder it will be to crack. make sure your password has a mix up of upper case and lower case letters as well as numbers. if you have trouble choosing a secure password choose something you would not usually use do not use your name, parents name, sports team, etc things like that are easy to guess. also, changing your password every thirty days is suggested by many companies.

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