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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)

Radio frequency identification refers to small electronic devices that consist of a small chip and an antenna. The chip carries can carry about 2,000 bytes of data. The radio frequency uses a wireless non-contact system that uses radio frequency electromagnetic fields to transfer data. The device used for radio frequency is a unique identifier for an object and must be scanned to retrieve identifying information. It does not need to be positioned relative to the scanner.

      Radio frequency tags are intelligent barcodes that can talk to a networked system to track every product that you put in your shopping cart. Instead of waiting on lines at grocery stores, these radio frequency tags will communicate with an electronic reader that will detect every item in the cart and ring each up almost instantly. The reader is connected to a large network that will send information on your products to the retailer and product manufactures. The bank will be notified and the amount of the bill will be deducted from your account. It is also used in many other places including: stores, warehouses, pharmacies, worksite, and transportation systems for fare collection (subway passes and highway toll collection). It has also been used for health care, managing assets, tracking patients, and providing data for electronic medical records systems. Radio frequency had made it much easier for manufactures to keep their systems organized.

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